Soft Skills & Indutry-Based Training

Soft Skills & Indutry-Based Training

Soft Skills & Indutry-Based Training

Every organization expects its members to be competent in carrying out their business and activities. Having good and competent human resources can support an organization in achieving the desired target. Competence can be trained intensively so that an organization's human resources have good capabilities in carrying out each of its activities.

LTS CONSULTING delivers soft skills training for specific purposes to improve competencies and human resources.

  1. Train the Trainer: AALP Approach
  2. Training Need Analysis
  3. How to develop Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
  4. Personel Competency Assessment
  5. Job Grading and Remuneration System
  6. Analytical and Creative Thinking
  7. Business Writing
  8. Coaching & Counseling
  9. Complain Handling
  10. Creative Thinking
  11. Dealing with Difficult People
  12. Effective Leadership
  13. Effective Selling Skills
  14. Front liners Development Program
  15. Fully Motivated Persons to Competency
  16. Happy Pension
  17. Motivation
  18. Negotiation Skill
  19. Optimize your Personality and Behavior in Implementing the Customer
  20. Outbound
  21. Presentation Skill
  22. Selling Skill
  23. Service Excellence
  24. Team Development (Team Bonding)

LTS can deliver industry-based training and consultation to help a company achieve its industry goals. Industry-based courses are programmed to combine both theoretical information and practical experience in a business environment. It provides opportunities for personal growth and develops both technical and interpersonal skills, such as:

  1. Improvement Management System
  2. Productivity Management System
  3. Overall Equipment Effectiveness
  4. Targeting System for Productivity
  5. Company Core Competencies Measurement



